Seasonal workwear: Are you winter ready?

By LG Davis
schedule22nd Sep 23

Top tips to get your workwear on track

1. Get specific to make your budget go further

By taking the time to plan you can tailor your workwear to exactly what you need and prevent yourself from buying items that later get left in the cupboard. Think about what each member of staff does on a day-to-day basis and what they will need to make sure that they are warm and comfortable. Not everyone will necessarily need the same items depending on their role. So, get specific and order what you need rather than blanket buying everything for everyone. This leaves more budget to make sure that items are continually updated and kept looking fresh.

2. Step into your workforce’s shoes

There can be a real difference between what you think someone needs and what works. By really understanding what works for employees you can spend your budget wisely and get a uniform that is not only practical but that the whole team is proud of. For example, a hat may seem a simple choice when you are working out in the cold but would a particular style work better than others? Would it be good for it to have a light if workers are in the dark and looking for light while needing their hands free?

There are so many ways to personalise and offer small touches that will make a big difference to your workforce – zip up pockets to keep things safe or open pockets to keep hands warm – make sure you find a solution that works for you.

3. Show off your business with innovative branding

Personalised workwear is a great way to show off your business and create a winning impression. How can you encompass your brand into what workers wear? Can the tops be colour coordinated and branded in line with your business? Make sure your logo and contact details are visible. There are lots of innovative ways to add personalised logo details to items of clothing. Talk to our sales team about how you can make your business stand out.

4. Freshen up your brand and stand out from the crowd

Your staff uniform is the first thing people see when they arrive so make sure it gives a great first impression. As you walk around your business look at how your staff are presented. What first impression do you get? If the workwear is looking tried and dated is it time to have a refresh? Do you need to update some of the items and make sure that tired and well-worn uniform is recycled? Could you add some festive cheer and create Christmas themed branding for seasonal workers? Workwear doesn’t have to just be practical it is a great sales tool as well to promote your business.

5. Help customers identify key staff

Would it make sense for your staff to have their name on the outer jacket so that they can be easily identified? Having a friendly face of the firm so that customers can get to know the name behind the brand is a great way of fostering connections. You could even have a message on the back of the top or jacket such as ‘Here to help’ or ‘Ask me about …’ to encourage interaction.

6. More than just clothes with practical material solutions

Think about how the materials of the products are going to work in situations. Consider specific materials that help with body temperature regulation, especially if your staff are regularly switching from indoor and outdoor working. Are the jackets wind and waterproof or just shower resistant? Does the material have wicking properties to keep warmth in and the cold out? Investing in the proper type of workwear will also mean that it can be used into the early Spring months, making it a practical and cost-effective solution.

Whatever you choose for your business workwear, it should be a mixture of both practical and brand specific. Getting the right look and feel is crucial to helping your staff through the cold winter months.

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